Nancy Luckashenak
Secondary Science Educator
Critical Perspectives in Human Research
Essential questions:
How were the rights of these people(s) violated?
What parts of their identity were taken advantage of?
What social or economic issues played a role in each case?
Student activities:
In a group read and discuss one of the four case studies.
Answer guiding questions
Discuss each case as class.
After reviewing all of the cases we discussed the main concepts that should guide the design and execution of human research. We also defined a number of considerations that should be taken into account when recruiting, informing, and compensating humans for research. An interesting discussion regarding compensation ensued and we were left pondering these questions:
Once you give a sample of your tissue for research does your ownership end there? Is it still considered a part of you?
Are you entitled to profits from any potential inventions that used your tissue? If so, for how long?